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Overcoming Diabetes Stigmas and Stereotypes

  Every day, all around the world, people with diabetes feel outcast, different and alone. We can experience a deteriorating self-esteem based on our experience or perception of the way we are treated because we have diabetes. The way society treats people with diabetes may prevent us from actively practicing good diabetes self-management in our attempt to keep our diabetes a secret from friends, family, and the general public. The way our culture views diabetes is our unfortunate reality. The number of people with diabetes is expected to rise to 522 million in the next ten years. It is time we look at...

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What is a diabetes emergency

You never know how you are going to respond to a crisis until it happens. That’s why kids practice in schools with drills for fire, earthquake, tornado, and other emergency situations. So they are prepared when something happens. But what happens when the crisis is something you would never think to plan for, like accidentally using the wrong insulin pen and injecting way too much insulin? What would you do? That happened to Carol when she was away from home, and like most of us with diabetes, she tried to handle it on her own. Eventually, she knew it was time to get help.  Stories like this make me think that is exactly...

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